Are You Willing to Transform Your Birth?
Hi, my name is Kata Racz. I am a doula, childbirth educator, mother, and YouTuber. Through the 'Own your birth!' program, I am helping you in making informed decisions about your birth and breastfeeding journey, so that these major events in your life are not merely happening to you but you are shaping them according to your unique preferences and values.
* I've been in your shoes too...
I was expecting a baby, and I knew everything about pregnancy. I followed the baby's development week by week and couldn't wait for the next ultrasound to see how much my little bundle had grown. I lived a healthy lifestyle, stress-free – so everything related to pregnancy was going great, and the anticipation of welcoming my baby was truly joyful and uplifting... For my first birth, I wanted a 'natural' delivery and of course, I wanted my husband to be there too. I had heard about childbirth preparation courses, but I thought they were only for those who were really afraid of the whole thing. I wasn't scared of childbirth, I had confidence in myself. After all, I had seen animals giving birth, and I thought if they could do it, surely I could too! So, that was the extent of my preparation!
Then, the day came that I was due. My doctor said we should induce labor because I was no longer so young, and there were risks, plus the baby was already 3.5 kilograms... I didn't ask many questions; I thought the doctor knows best!
Oh, how naive I was! So, I calmly checked into the hospital in the evening, balloon, ripening gel, and we waited. Nothing happened. I was quite surprised when they called me to the delivery room the next morning. I even brought my book with me. The midwife kindly said she would break my water. Sure, go ahead... Well, from this point on, I didn't smile much... The breaking of the water triggered such strong contractions out of nowhere that I couldn't even spit or swallow. Furthermore, since my little Alma hadn't taken the birthing position yet - I only found out later - her head constantly pressed against my spine, causing excruciating back pain that didn't subside even between contractions. After a couple of contractions, I quickly threw away all my plans of having a natural birth without epidural... and anxiously waited for the anesthesiologist.
* From a healthy pregnancy to an avalanche of interventions...
Because of the epirudal, I fell asleep. In broad daylight. During labor. The contractions stopped, and I was given Pitocin.Then, a few hours later, my doctor arrived in a hazmat suit (Goodness gracious! Is there really going to be that much blood splattering?) and told me to push. Oh, really? But what should I push? And where? After a few attempts, they brought out the scissors and vacuum... and my little Alma arrived. The feeling was incredible. However, instead of the expected 3.5 kilograms, they placed a 2.8-kilogram bundle of bones and skin on my belly, who, of course, was the most beautiful newborn in the world to me!
Is childbirth really like this?
The birth of Alma wasn't traumatic at all. Everyone was kind and surrounded me with a loving atmosphere. Yet, something kept lingering inside me regarding the childbirth experience. I was disappointed in myself, thinking, 'Am I, Kata Racz, the tough girl who ran half marathons and participated in long distance swimming competitions, unable to give birth without pain relief?' I felt like something was not right.
Three years later, the stork visited again. I was 43 years old, and I knew I didn't want another birth like that. I realized that I knew nothing about birth! And if I continued to know nothing, events would just happen to me, regardless of the supportive environment. So, I started educating myself. Seriously. Thoroughly. I delved into the internet, books, and research...
After reaching the 40th week, my doctor once again suggested induction, but this time, I could inquire about the reasons behind it... and when, apart from my age and the past due date, there were no significant reasons provided, I said no. Finally, towards the end of the 41st week, on an early Sunday morning, Virag knocked on the door...I didn't wake up my husband yet; the situation wasn't too 'serious.' We had breakfast together. We went for a walk. I prepared lunch. We ate together. (My mom on the phone: Why haven't you gone to the hospital yet? My sister on the phone: Don't be silly, you should have been at the hospital already). In the afternoon, I lay down. I dozed off. I washed Alma's hair, although I increasingly had to hold onto the sink in the bathroom.
Birth is an experience!
Upon arriving at the hospital, we were immediately admitted to the delivery room. Luckily, it was a busy day, so it was just the two of us, my husband and me. We both remained calm, and my husband provided amazing support. When I felt that the baby was really coming, my husband rushed out into the hallway to fetch someone. Shortly after, Virag arrived. Undisturbed, without interventions, naturally and it was a wonderful experience. Just the way our innate wisdom knows how to give birth.
Virag's birth was not only a positive experience but also a life-changing journey that continues to guide me through challenges. It provided me with confidence and strength that has a lasting impact on my entire life. This experience redirected me from the rat race of the corporate world and made me realize that my true vocation is childbirth...
I first completed doula training and obtained certification from DONA International. However, I soon realized that although I could provide significant support as a doula during childbirth, one of the most crucial building blocks of the birth experience is the preparedness of the parents. To further enhance my effectiveness and versatility in assisting expectant parents in their preparation, I became certified as a childbirth educator by Lamaze International. I have created the Own your birth! online education program, which helps you transform your birth experience from a mere 'delivery' into the most beautiful celebration of your life, empowering you to make conscious and informed decisions.